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Tony Leleruk
Programme Assistant, Community Land Protection

Leleruk is from the indigenous Samburu Community of Kenya. He graduated from Laikipia University with a Bachelor of arts in Business Management and Economics. Prior enlisting to IMPACT, He worked with CSI-K (Community Safety Initiative Kenya) for a period of 5 yrs. Leleruk received a couple of trainings on Peace building and Conflict Transformation, Climate change, Human rights advocacy and Policy formulation; Rangelands policy under the Ranger Programme working with the Amayia Triangle Initiative in the counties of Laikipia, Isiolo, Samburu and Baringo on Kenyan Rangelands Ecosystems Productivity. He also acquired knowledge and skills on Community policing; working with Indigenous social movements and Traditional Institutions on the management of Natural resources.

Tony attained a certificate of recognition by Mercy Corps for his outstanding contribution to Sustainable Conflict Management in Arid Lands.He also worked with the Population Reference Bureau (PRB) under the PACE Program (Policy Advocacy Communication Enhanced) in influencing County planning and budgeting.

His goal is to camera an egalitarian community through social movements and knowledge on tenure rights and guarding them to the latter. Outside the programme context Tony grounds himself as an indigenous philosopher, who gains traditional knowledge through analyzing oral stories, proverbs, listening to traditional songs, keen to indigenous Astrology and reading novels from authors like Nelson Mandela and Barrack Obama.